

Tour: Sacramento City Splendor

Side Yard and Compost
Crape Myrtle
Hybrid White Rockrose
Oregon Grape
Crape Myrtle

Common name:Crape Myrtle
Botanical name:Lagerstroemia indica

The new leaves of this species are 2" long, bright green, and tinged with bronze. Some cultivars have spectacular fall color. When it has a bare outline, its rounded seed capsules add interest. Its delicate flowers bloom in 6"-12" long clusters. The flower colors could be shades of red, rose, pink, purple, and white, blooming in summer. It thrives on heat, and new cultivars have been created that resist mildew. This tree prefers full sun and has low watering needs once it's established.

Hybrid White Rockrose

Common name:Hybrid White Rockrose
Botanical name:Cistus hybridus

This is a small evergreen shrub with 2 in. long gray-green crinkly leaves. It has pure white flowers with prominant yellow stamens . It is produced throughout the spring to early summer. Avoid heavy mulches. Also sold as Cistus corbariensis.

Oregon Grape

Common name:Oregon Grape
Botanical name:Mahonia aquifolium

Exhibiting erect growth, this evergreen shrub grows to a height of 6'. The leaves are 4-10" long, with 5-9 very spiny-tooted, oval, leaflets that are 1 1/2" in length.

Solving Runoff Problems

Importance of Watershed

A watershed is a land area that drains rain and other water into a creek, river, lake, wetland, or groundwater aquifer. Water from your neighborhood also enters the watershed through the storm drain system and flows directly to local creeks without any treatment. It often is contaminated by pollutants that can be toxic to fish, wildlife, and people.

Click in the green box for more information

Designer: Dave Roberts Landscape

Side Yard and Compost
Image: 2 of 21

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.

Integrated Pest Management:

Develop healthy soil for plants that are vigorous and naturally pest-resistant.